Service details
The Emergency Area Service Inspection is specifically designed to ensure that your first aid equipment is up to date and complies with the First aid Regulations.
Premium subscribers can only take advantage of an inspection and certification of their first aid resources if they book at least one training session to be carried out at their own venue. Inspections are carried out on the same day as the session.
Your PREMIUM subscription will cover you for one annual inspection, and will include the following:
An inspection, lasting up to an hour, by one of our Officers, during which the following is carried out:
First aid area and equipment is checked and cleaned if necessary, and dressings and bandages will be replaced if required.
Drug storage and medicines administration records will be checked for compliance
General advice and information will be given
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Terms & conditions
Only one inspection will be made each year for current PREMIUM subscribers.
Inspections will be booked, at the same time as a training course is taking place at the client’s venue. The Training Officer will carry out the inspection prior to, or after the course has been completed.
Arrangements for inspections will be agreed mutually between the client and PRS (the parent company of
Where a client has not booked a training session, or has no need to book one during a subscription period, EASI inspections are not carried out.
when a training session is booked